
Company Seminars and Webinars

Do you want to broaden your client-base, develop your business, promote your products and services or simply just gain in visibility ? Then, why not rely on the skills of the CCIG to organise a company seminar or webinar ?

In a normal year, the CCIG organizes around 100 events, three of which gather between 600 and 900 participants. Therefore Chamber staff have a tried and tested experience to devote to your company seminar or webinar, and can accompany you from beginning to end, by :

  • promoting the event on the website of CCIG, sending the invitation to all Members and managing registrations
  • announcing the seminar in the monthly CCIGinfo (3800 copies), the eCCIG newsletter (sent to 7000 addressees) and on social media
  • For seminairs, making our premises available ; welcome and registration of participants handled by the CCIG
  • Distributing of an evaluation questionnaire to enable you to assess the response to your presentation
  • Publishing a seminar report on CCIG's website (usually written up by our staff).

This service is reserved for Chamber Members.