
Training in Trade Diplomacy

« Mastering Trade diplomacy: The Key to Global Success »


Globalisation has changed our consumption habits by promoting access to a wider range of products and services from various parts of the world. It has also transformed our communication methods, facilitated international exchanges and created closer interconnectedness between cultures and markets. In a constantly evolving world, it is essential to remain competitive, whether at the local, national, or international level.

Discover the path to success in your negotiations with the International Institute for Diplomacy – Switzerland (IID), where exceptional speakers, including diplomats and experts in the field, will share their expertise with you. In partnership with the CCIG – Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Services, we offer you the opportunity to transform your skills into a guaranteed victory with our highly qualified team!

To prepare negotiators in international trade, the International Institute for Diplomacy - Switzerland (IID), in partnership with the CCIG, offers professionals the opportunity to train in negotiation and acquire the knowledge and practical tools to successfully conduct work in trade diplomacy.

These courses explore the strategies, tools, and experiences of high-ranking diplomats to provide qualified professionals aiming for excellence with additional knowledge and skills in negotiation. They also aim to connect with audiences, stimulate initiatives, and reinforce the status of International Geneva as a multilateral platform for trade.




The economic community of Geneva, Switzerland, and internationally, but also for any qualified individual wishing to take part.

The trainings are designed for any professional who wishes to sharpen their knowledge in commercial diplomacy to excel in leading negotiations in this field both nationally and internationally.

Prerequisites to make the most of the courses:

  • Good oral and written understanding of English
  • Basic knowledge of International Geneva and its multilateral organisations
  • Great interest in negotiation and trade diplomacy




This training is divided in 5 sessions taking place on Thursdays from 6 pm till 8:45pm. The first session will take place on September 26. Then October 3rd, 10th, 17th. The last session is on October 24th. Participants sign up for the full course plan.

All courses take place at the CCIG.

The training leads to the issuance of a certificate of participation indicating the duration of the course and the content delivered.


The International Geneva ecosystem: an inside view

by Yannick Roulin, Ambassador and Director of the International Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI)

International Geneva is a unique ecosystem in the world, not only for its size, but above all for the diversity of its international players. As the world’s principal centre of governance and the operational heart of the multilateral system, it is here that many of the rules that affect the daily lives of citizens the world over are discussed and decided, whether in the fields of health, environment, migration, human rights or, of course, international trade, to name but a few. Home to the WTO, UNCTAD, the International Trade Centre, numerous NGOs active in this field and hundreds of multinationals, it is the heart of economic multilateralism and trade negotiations. The aim of this course is to give you an overview of International Geneva, its diversity, its importance for the world and for its host country, Switzerland, and the efforts being made by the Swiss authorities to further develop and strengthen this ecosystem.

> Next training on September 26, 2024

06:00 pm – 07:15 pm


Planetary Boundaries and Sustainable Development Goals how to achieve a sustainable world for humanity

by Jean-Pierre Reymond, Executive Director of 2050Today

The course will cover the following topics:

  • The human footprint on the planet and the use of resources
  • The planetary boundaries that humanity should not exceed to ensure a safe space for human life and world affairs
  • The climate change boundary and the key facts to consider
  • The solutions to implement the required change of direction

The trajectories of the world’s evolution and the planet’s evolution are now intertwined.

The course will highlight the fundamental challenges facing mankind in ensuring its survival in the living environment we currently enjoy. This exceptional situation, which is conducive to human life, is fragile. Without fully realising it, we are damaging this balance both collectively and individually. The course will also offer practical solutions to remedy this development, which is not inevitable. The fate of humanity, both in the short term and for future generations, is much more in our hands than we realise.

Will we be able to rise to this unprecedented challenge?

> Next training on September 26, 2024

07:30 pm – 08:45 pm


Instruments and operation of international trade agreements

by Didier Chambovey, Ph. D. in Economics, Expert in international trade, Former Swiss Ambassador to the WTO

After a brief historical overview, the course will cover the following topics:

  • The basic legal principles and objectives of international trade agreements, both multilateral

(World Trade Organisation) and bilateral (free trade agreements)

  • The differences in negotiating approaches (bilateral versus multilateral)
  • The impact of the international trading system on production processes and the pace of globalisation
  • The stakes and prospects of the main trade negotiations currently underway

> Next training on October 3, 2024

06:00 pm – 08:45 pm


The multilateral trading system in the face of geopolitical tensions

by Didier Chambovey, Ph. D. in Economics, Expert in international trade, Former Swiss Ambassador to the WTO

The course will address the current trade tensions which are posing unprecedented challenges to the global rules-based trading system. The lack of common vision and coherent leadership by the biggest powerhouses is another worrisome development. Systemic conflicts, the resurgence of industrial policies and the quest for strategic autonomy in the name of national security are fraught with risks. Will these developments lead to the redeployment of global production processes?

> Next training on October 10, 2024

06:00 pm – 08:45 pm


Mastering rhetoric: an asset in negotiation

by Romaine Jean, Media and Communications, Consultant Public speaking, addressing interlocutors, and engaging with the media are challenges that politicians, diplomats, and leaders face in their daily lives. A good command of rhetoric and effective public communication enhance personal and professional performance and open new avenues in negotiations. These skills are acquired through theoretical knowledge and practice.

> Next training on October 17, 2024

06:00 pm – 07:15 pm


The Cultural Dimension of Trade Diplomacy

by Jean-Jacques de Dardel, Ambassador of Switzerland (ret.), President. Economy of Trust Foundation

In an international context, cultural biases and references constantly affect interactions and negotiations. The course will shed light on the notion of cultural intelligence quotient (CQ), on cultural awareness and behavioural skills. It will then turn to intercultural negotiation imperatives and techniques, in business relations as well as in official contexts. In a third part, we will address company or institutional positioning and profiling in foreign contexts, through practical examples of how to use cultural events to create goodwill and proximity.

> Next training on October 17, 2024

07:30 pm – 08:45 pm


Protocol and etiquette

By Bertrand Louis, Former Swiss Ambassador, President, Swiss Forum for International Affairs (FSPI)

Recognise accepted practices in international protocol in a bilateral environment as well as in the field of multilateral diplomacy. Management of events including order of precedence, seating arrangements, flag protocol. Familiarisation with the unwritten practices of etiquette, good manners and behaviours of individuals whether on official or private business: how to meet, how to host, how to dress.

> Next training on October 24, 2024

06:00 pm – 07:15 pm


International diplomatic negotiation

by Raoul Delcorde, Ph.D, Honorary Ambassador of Belgium, University professor (political sciences), Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium.

International negotiation is the pinnacle of diplomacy. It can be approached from many different angles. What is the specificity of the practitioner’s approach compared to the theorist’s ? To find out, you need to know what happens when the doors close behind diplomats. Diplomatic negotiation is a skill, not an exact science. In this course, we will focus on four main points:

  1. a descriptive section explaining how a negotiation develops.
  2. a section analysing the mechanics of negotiation.
  3. a section focusing on the internal and external elements that influence negotiation.
  4. a section on what happens once the negotiation is over.

The focus here will be on multilateral negotiation, using examples drawn from diplomatic practice. The course will conclude with a series of concrete suggestions for getting the most out of a negotiation and bringing it to a successful conclusion.

> Next training on October 24, 2024

07:30 pm – 08:45 pm



The International Institute for Diplomacy – Switzerland (IID) offers diplomacy-related products and services. Its aim is to raise the profile of International Geneva and Switzerland in the rest of the world. The IID is a unifying project that creates synergies and strengthens existing ones with various actors in diplomacy in the broadest sense. Its diplomatic academy aims to train qualified professionals in international relations.



Pauline Zahlaoui
Tél. +41 22 819 91 47