
Certificates of origin

As neutral intermediaries between the customs authorities and private businesses, chambers of commerce are responsible for certifying the origin of products exported all over the world. The CCIG acts by delegation from the Directorate General of Customs in Bern.


Rapid and simplified formalities

The CCIG informs exporters of the formalities required by the country of import and of the application of commercial agreements. Within a period of 24 hours, it will legalise all certificates of origin, invoices and other documents necessary for export.

The Members of CCIG have the possibility of requesting a certificate of origin by electronic means (

Globally recognised know-how

With almost 25 000 legalisations issued every year, the CCIG has confirmed its position as an unrivalled global centre for international trade.

What is the purpose of certificates of origin ?

These documents are used notably by customs administrations to show the origin of a product, to calculate the customs duty applicable in certain countries or in procedures for loan requests. Certificates of origin are issued by the CCIG within 24 hours on business days.