
PME Connect

Faced with the growing complexity of the administrative, legal or technological environment, some companies run into difficulties often caused by the absence of information that is relevant, easily available and timely. Based on the wealth of skills of its members, the CCIG - the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services - offers member companies a one-stop shop initial advice and guidance on several major themes related to business management. 



PME Connect “Financing and Shareholding”

For its launch, the first PME Connect deals with questions relating to financing, restructuring and transfers from the standpoint both of companies and of institutional or private investors. It responds in particular to questions on the following subjects:

  • Business transfers
  • Partial sale of share capital (minority or majority)
  • Search for financing (debt, convertible loan, capital)
  • Restructuring the shareholding
  • Optimisation through operational, financial or legal restructuring
  • Crisis management (in particular in cases of indebtedness)
  • Search for acquisition or investment targets
  • Search for board members and business governance
  • Management of the financial, reputational and environmental risk, etc. 


The PME Connect service takes place in two phases. It begins with a seminar during which specialists address the chosen theme through practical examples that are representative of the most common problems.

In the second phase, any member who so wishes may arrange an individual discussion with the specialists, at the flat-rate charge of 150 CHF.

ividual meetings

During the individual meeting, the specialists – at least three of them, so as to provide a 360 degree professional service – listen, question, analyse and share their vision of the problem posed. The contents of the discussion remain confidential.

To request a meeting, just send an e-mail to, describing the nature of the problem.

If necessary, at the end of the meeting, the specialists may suggest a consultancy mandate or put the requesting member in touch with other specialists or service companies selected according to their expertise and ethics, making sure they offer a choice. In order to encourage interaction between members of the CCIG, priority will be given to member companies.

The PME Connect offering ends with this phase. The member can then pursue his project with the actors proposed, according to mutual agreement and without the intervention of PME Connect.

The PME Connect specialists in “Financing and Shareholding”

The specialists who receive members are:

  • Magali Berla Geay, Manager Entrepreneur Office, Gonet & Cie
  • Virginie Verdon, Turnaround manager, BST Management Consulting
  • Frank Guemara, partner, Triportail SA
  • Michel Jaccard, partner, id est avocats
  • Vincent Tattini, partner, Watt law, étude d'avocats. 

The specialists undertake to advise members of the CCIG in compliance with the General PME Connect Charter.

Becoming a specialist

The specialists are selected for a period of one year. They can continue their service if no other member applies or if no applicant is retained. The renewal of the specialists takes place by rotation so that the group always contains at least one person with prior experience of the PME Connect context.

The choice of specialists is made by a selection committee, composed of at least three persons.

Inscriptions are open once a year and announced to its members by the CCIG.

Members who are candidates for the role of PME Connect specialist must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a member of the CCIG
  • Not be in legal conflict with any member of the CCIG
  • Demonstrate recognised experience in the target area of expertise
  • Provide references from among their clientele
  • Not apply excessive charges
  • Adhere to the General PME Connect Charter.


This service is reserved for members of the CCIG.