
Market Analysis

Market Analysis Tools Portal from ITC


Thanks to a Memorandum of Understanding the CCIG has signed with the International Trade Centre (ITC), Member companies can access ITC’s Market Analysis Tools free of charge (but with a code).


The Market Analysis Tools suite covers the world’s largest databases on trade statistics, tariff data, and rules of origin related to applicable free trade agreements. Additional tools offer export potential estimations, market price information, regional trade and investment data and much more.

ITC has developed five online tools, which enable business actors to identify export and import opportunities, compare market-access requirements, monitor national trade performance and make well-informed trade decisions.

To obtain the code necessary to gain free access to the tools (strictly reserved for CCIG Members), please email the .

Free advice for export from « junior consultants »


Thanks to an agreement between the CCIG and the Haute école de gestion Genève (HEG-Geneva), Member companies can benefit from free assistance by students to explore emerging markets opportunities.


This service, called Export+, is aimed at companies, which seek to do business in emerging markets of Asia, Africa, Latin America or the Middle East.

The assistance comes as a preliminary study of an export concept – be it a commercial issue or one related to investment – undertaken by a 3rd year Bachelor student from the International Business Management department of HEG-Geneva.

The students will work according to the company’s needs, under the supervision from a manager as well as a professor from HEG-Geneva. During the course of their work, the students will visit the company for which they carry the study out.

Interested businesses need to email , lecturer at HEG-Geneva.